A New Definition for Client/Server

WARNING - This is a work in progress. You are welcome to read and make comments on the draft. Please check the document's properties for last update information.

"Middleware is a very misunderstood but important positioning move for banks... Middleware will allow banks to separate business rules from access technologies that are particular to a delivery channel and permit banks to efficiently keep pace with rapidly changing programming languages."

Andrew DeMeo
President Electronic Commerce Marketing Systems
Bank Technology News
December 1998


Many have been excited with the promise of Client/Server while at the same time others have not. While one publication is touting a success story another is proclaiming its demise. What gives? How can both be true? One problem may be everyone doesn't have a common definition of what a client/server design is. Even after reading the books and going to seminars it's still unclear how some people succeed with it and others don't.

Maybe we need a new definition--one less susceptible to weak interpretations.

First, let's agree that DB2, Sybase, and Oracle, in their latest versions, are successful, representative client/server systems. These modern database systems have one primary function: managing databases. One reason they're considered client/server is their clients (our GUI applications) don't need to include the code for manipulating the database. What are the advantages to database vendors?

Ultimately, these attributes translate into financial benefits:

In a generic way these attributes and benefits should exist in all client/server systems. A common mistake application developers make is to assume that by using some vendor's client-access code they have created a client/server system of their own. The most prevalent example of this is a Powerbuilder-created application (or Visual Basic, Visual Age, Delphi, doesn't matter) that accesses a database on a back-end machine. What's been created is another monolith. In fact, this monolith is more complicated than the monoliths of the 60s and 70s because it's introduced network communications where before they at least lived on the same machine!

A GUI application using a remote database engine is NOT a client/server creation. It is merely a recreation of another database client. The new application has no clients of its own and therefor yields none of the benefits expected of client/server systems. To suggest such a system is client/server would be to take credit for the database vendor's accomplishment.

Sneaking up on a new definition

Client/server systems have two important entities; clients and servers. Having clients implies there's something useful on the server clients wish to use. The server does something that isn't worth recreating in the client. For example, since most programmers are uninterested in writing database systems it makes sense to (re)use one already available. Even if we were interested it's unproductive to write one ourselves. The time spent to create even the simplest database system would be better spent on our new application.

Consider the following diagram:

{short description of image}

This figure represents the quintessential client/server application. Right? What we're really looking at is the result after someone wrote a database client. If the database client doesn't get credit for the client/server design and the database vendor didn't write the application, where does client/server design actually exist?

Consider a new picture:

{short description of image}

You can't take credit for the database, you only wrote your application. Sybase, IBM, and Oracle only created their databases and their database interfaces. What makes client/server work is the server has an interface. The interface allows clients to access the server's resources and functionality. Once an interface to a server exists and the server does something useful there's no limit to the types and shapes of its clients.

2-tier, 3-tier, we all cheer for n-tier

Industry rags have found a new buzz-phrase, '3-tier.' The really hip, feeling constrained by literals, use 'n-tier'--suggesting they already know there's a larger world out there about which the-rest-of-us are unfamiliar. 3-tier paradigms look something like this:

{short description of image}

The application (what used to be the database client) has separated its presentation (its user interface) from it's business rules. But for this to work our business logic needs an interface in the same way as database servers:

{short description of image}

Sybase is credited with ushering-in (or at least coining the phrase) client server when it created its database and the database interface (DB-Lib then CT-Lib). It's important to note that what they delivered was indeed client/server even though they didn't deliver a single database client.

We create client/server systems the same way. Not by delivering clients but by delivering servers with server interfaces. In the figure above the utility of client/server is realized not with the client, but with the application logic and its interface. Once the application logic's interface is created there's no predetermination on what the user interface will be. A well defined application implementing only its logic and an interface could easily result in:

{short description of image}

Looking at the last figure another way, what we're seeing isn't really three-tier, but it's two two-tier systems placed end-to-end. This type of Lego-construction (or what I call software plumbing) can be repeated as often as useful:

{short description of image}

Stored Procedures

Stored procedures are an instance where you can create a client/server system without necessarily creating a server and a server interface.

Stored procedures are SQL programs loaded into the database to facilitate speedier execution. The execute more quickly than standard SQL because they were precompiled when they were loaded into the database. Typically, the language of stored procedures is SQL-based but not strictly so. Though far from being a general-purpose language it's not strictly for table manipulation either.

In addition to SQL, stored procedures may contain business logic. If a bank withdrawal were implemented as a stored procedure it may include code for checking the user's authority to withdrawal money, checking the balance of the account, checking for overdue loans on related accounts, and updating a transaction record for monthly statement creation. Taken independently these tasks are simple SQL statements. Taken together they form a complex transaction. A business transaction. Something that can be shared.

Stored procedures are a form of business logic and add value to the database. Without them the database could do nothing in the way of banking. Databases, and their schema do little in the way of explaining how a withdrawal transaction is accomplished. But databases provide a functional middleware layer by supplying a mechanism to invoke the stored procedure to clients. In the same way databases must provide an interface to communicate SQL, they also provide an interface to initiate stored procedures. Taken together, database stored procedures qualify as a client/server system; there's both a service (the stored procedures) and an interface (the database's).

Stored procedures are not without cost. When the database is busy executing the stored procedures it's not busy doing what databases are supposed to do, organizing and accessing data. Though stored procedures are precompiled to the database, they are not compiled into machine code (typically, DB2 may be an exception) and are inefficient. If transaction throughput is a priority, you're stored procedures should stick to doing data-base related things and stay away from extraneous business think. There are better places to do it.

Case Study #1

A software vendor that provided on-line transaction processing systems to the credit union industry attempted to port their system from a proprietary database to Sybase's relational database. The system had over three-hundred tables as it approached completion (thanks to the religious zealotry of the DBAs). All financial transactions were implemented as stored procedures. The target TPS was a modest 11 (low by industry benchmark standards by high considering the target hardware environment). In March, only nine months before the first installation was scheduled the sustained throughput was only 1.5 TPS. Database statistics indicated the simplest transaction, a share purchase (demand deposit) required over 1500 logical IOs to complete. Multiple posting threads didn't increase the throughput appreciably since the database started thrashing. 1.5 TPS was all that was possible on the target equipment. Both CPU and disk IOs were near 100% utilization. The point of diminishing returns was too early on the curve. If they had stopped there this would have been recorded as yet another client/server disaster. But they didn't.

Further analysis of the purchase transaction showed only 100 of the 1500 IOs was unique. A code review of the stored procedures showed little room for improvement since stored procedures had a limit to how many parameters could be passed and had no way of sharing variables between them. Temporary tables were visible only to the procedures that created them and regular tables presented a locking problem.

It was determined the only way to create a purchase transaction that required only 100 unique IOs was to use a general purpose language. The program 'tpserver' was created and it had a few predictable characteristics:

It read all static tables (branches, states, tellers, credit union options, etc.) once at initialization.

It made one trip to the database to request all account-related information per transaction.

It made one trip to the database to update all account and transaction history information per transaction.

With the IOs reduced to a more reasonable 120, TPS more than doubled to 4. Still not ready for production but something more interesting happened. Database utilization (CPU and disk) fell to below 10%. This time when they tried running 12 threads (multiple tpservers) they discovered they could achieve 17 TPS. And it was only June!

Case Study #2

Now the software vendor had another problem. How to arbitrate access to 12 tpservers for 200 tellers, dozens of ATM drivers and switches, and batch posting programs? Enter poserver.

{short description of image}

poserver lived between the tpservers and their clients. It provided a single point of contact for clients and tpservers. This meant that wherever clients lived on the network they only needed to locate one process, poserver, to send all their requests to. Conversely, the tpservers appeared to only have a single client, the poserver, which they needed to talk to.

poserver had a few very specific responsibilities. It had to:

poserver's most important contribution was off-loading the client-communication responsibilities off the workers and onto itself. It defined the workers' API to the clients, relieving the workers of even having to do that. It enabled the workers to be client/server by providing and managing a network-accessible interface to clients of any type.

Case Study #3

poserver could have been responsible for starting the worker processes but that would have meant workers had to be on the same machine as poserver. To be truly scalable the system would have to support running workers anywhere on the network available CPU existed. To do this, poserver could also have used UNIX's rsh or rexec() to spawn the workers but that would have been UNIX dependent. Other operating systems, though supporting Berkeley-style sockets, may not support UNIX's rsh or rexec().

Yet another process was created called rmtexecd. It's specific responsibility was to listen on a specific machine port for requests to start programs, start them, and log their behavior (start time, environment, arguments, signals, terminations). Though created initially on SunOS, rmtexecd was easily ported to Windows, AOS/VS (Data General's 32-bit OS), and OS/2. Now a complete mechanism was in place clients to access any service on the system regardless of where it was on the network or what operating system it ran on.

case #3

Birds of a feather

The servers in the examples (poserver, tpworker, ddeworker, rmtexecd) have some things in common. Each server:

rmtexecd's reuse wasn't exploited by supporting multiple and varied clients as it was in its ability to be ported to multiple and varied operating systems. When a program is specific in its task porting is no big deal. isdexecd's source code has only 549 lines. It's single API function, isdexec(), has 49. (poserver's reincarnation as isectd has only 2248!)

Each of the examples above could easily be mistaken for a three-tier (n-tier) system, the Sesquatch of contemporary trade-rag pundit-coined consultant-regurgitated industry buzzwords. In reality, each is only one client/server pair stacked in front of another.

poserver, renamed isectd, and its interface libraries are available from Networking Technologies for Solaris, Linux, AIX, and Windows '95 and NT.

Action Steps

Gartner Group is famous for observing there's a difference between where you are and where you'd like to be. As attractive and beneficial as client/server systems are it's troublesome C/S hasn't permeated our designs. With each new project programmers have to ask themselves what they must do today to prepare themselves for tomorrow. Here's some suggestions gleened from the examples:

Example #1

A more elaborate description of the proof-of-concept is available at

To export CIS to a browser we needed to create an application that lived behind the web server that could communicate with Hogan on the mainframe. An interface, called PAS, exists that allows programs to submit Hogan read and write transactions via CICS. Additionally, PAS was front-ended with IBM's MQSeries to even further simplify connectivity and extend accessibility to machines without CICS connectivity to the mainframe.

Two programs, ipas and ipasworker, were created to test connectivity. ipas was ment to be used interactively and accepted transaction requests from standard input. Test files were created that could be redirected into ipas (ipas < testfile). ipasworker was created so that the process could establish a connection with MQ and the mainframe PAS server once and reuse it for subsequent transactions--reducing the critical path for each transaction. ipasworker shared all ipas' code but accepted transaction requests from isectd.

The source code, in C, will be made available on ATP's FTP server in the near future. If you'd like access to it before then (like, now), contact Thomas Gagne.

Example #2

A large bank's Investment Mangement dept. has its own internal webserver that integrates real-time stock quotes and news into its web pages. On nearly any report that includes ticker symbols. Users can click on the symbol to get a real-time quote. Additionally, this department's home page lists several quotes for competing institutions that are updated whenever the page is refreshed.

The realtime market data is provided by Quotron, a subsidiary of Reuters. Both Quotron and Reuters provide data feeds with APIs. These 'elementized' data feeds allow programs to extract and manipulate the discrete fields that make up a quote. For instance, a quote for XXX (a fictional company) returns:

% isdclient isdquote
LAST=65 1/4
DAYHIGH=65 13/16
DAYOPEN=65 13/16
YEARLOW=46 1/2
BID=65 3/16
ASK=65 5/16

The bold text is what was returned from the quote worker. isdclient is a generic interface to isectd and any of its workers that accept plain-text messages and return the same. ALL XXXis the transaction request telling the worker to return everything it knows about XXX Corp.

Quotron actually provides different APIs for quotes, news headlines, and watchlists (aka price caches). A separate program was created for each of the interfaces, qixnews for headlines, qixquote for quote requests, qixcache for watchlists, and qixsym for symbol lookups. All four workers accept text requests and return text responses.

% isdclient isdcache
list(last net volume)=cma one

Each worker returns an easily parsed response. Even though Investment Management's intranet was the primary target it was deliberately decided not to embed HTML into the workers: